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Senin, 24 Januari 2011

ships stranded in the middle of town

Still remember the ship PLN's power plants are stranded in the middle of residential areas of Banda Aceh? Tsunami waves that swept the ship approximately five years ago was named to lose their 1.
Now the ship is still sitting silent in the same place, although the settlement had a population of around a flat on the ground it has started bustling again.
As the mass media had reported some time ago that the company had intended to return the ship to sea. However, the Provincial Government of Nanggroe Darussalam had other ideas.
The local government plans to turn the ship as a monument to the tsunami disaster that has devastated most of these settlements.
However, until now the plan has not been realized. According to Banda Aceh's health office staff, Surya, when delivering Legal and fellow journalists to where it says, NAD Province constrained funding to build a historic place.
So far, the new government could liberate NAD residents in the surrounding soil to support the development of these tourist sites.
Legal Observations, the condition of the vessel was increasingly apprehensive. Although not visible fragile, the hull began to rust and covered with unkempt. In fact, though unofficial, local and foreign tourists often visit the site with enthusiasm.
Because the government did not also take care of NAD, in the end of local people use it to abduct the void provision.
In addition to opening the business locations around the ship, several other residents took turns keeping the ship. But make no mistake, people do not wear a ticket for travelers who want to climb the big ship. "Residents have agreed to not charge a fee to tour the tsunami," said Surya.
However, he added, if the pleasure of tourists to provide wages to the local people who became a tour guide. "That seikhlasnya. Usually Rp3.000 until Rp5.000, "he said.
Floating Boat tsunami tourism development is rumored to be supported by funds from foreign parties. With this support is also rumored to NAD will start this project in 2010.
While tourism development is protracted, other tsunami monument was completed. One example, the Tsunami Museum in Aceh in Banda Aceh, which was built with magnificent.
In the museum, there are recordings cataclysmic event that took thousands of lives. In addition there are also other facilities. As one of the theater space.
Not far from the museum there Friendship Field have previously been known as a monument of Indonesia's first aircraft purchased with the support of the people of Aceh. The field is now added to the symbol participating countries contributed to the reconstruction of Aceh.
Outside Banda Aceh, there are other monuments with the same purpose, namely as a monument to that in Aceh had a major disaster which devastated the Land Rencong.

Krakatoa volcanic eruption 125 years

Today at 10:20 pm one quarter of a century ago, 1883, an erupting volcano in the Sunda Strait. Mount Krakatau (Krakatoa western people call it) who was hanging on the island of Krakatoa spewed anger with strength equivalent to 200 megatons of TNT. Just so you know, the amount of TNT is equivalent to 13.000 times the Little Boy, who crushed the Hiroshima atomic bomb on Japan in 1945. It's really awesome.
Krakatau blow awesomeness can be seen also from the number of deaths. A total of 36.417 people die because amuknya, 165 settlements disappeared from the earth's surface, and 132 villages destroyed shattered. The eruption of Krakatoa also trigger a tsunami that was felt to Hawaii and the U.S. west coast, a distance which many people have never imagined before because it was so far away. The ship which was in South Africa is said to crash because of the tsunami that originated from the tip of the island of Java.
There is another record set Krakatoa: sound audible blow to Perth in the east, a distance of 3.110 kilometers and on the west side of the population in Rodrigues, near Mauritius, a distance of 5.000 kilometers could hear the "sigh" Krakatoa. This means that approximately one-eighth the population of the planet could hear the Krakatoa was terrible rampage.
After the explosion, the planet was covered with black ash that covered vulaknis atmosphere. Sunlight can not penetrate the thick dust flying. Just so you know, Krakatoa spewed 25 cubic miles of rock and ash into the air. Well, as would doom dong ...
Photographs adorn this entry is from the Illustrated London News which was published on 8 September 1883 (you can buy a replica of the front page of the newspaper for 184 dollars on Amazon). Meanwhile, in 1927 a mountain "menjebul" born from the former location of Mount Krakatoa. He called Anak Krakatau.

Minggu, 23 Januari 2011

prambanan, a beautiful Hindu temple

pambanan is a stunningly beautiful building built in the 10th century during the reign of two kings, and Rakai Rakai Pikatan Balitung. Rose as high as 47 meters (5 meters higher than Borobudur temple), the foundation of this temple has fulfilled the desire to show Hindu triumph in the land of Java. This temple is located 17 kilometers from the city center, in the middle of an area that now functions as beautiful park.
There is a legend that Javanese people always tell about this temple. Once, a man named Bandung Bondowoso loved Roro Jonggrang. Because of his love, Jonggrang asked Bondowoso make 1000 temples with statues in one night. The request was nearly fulfilled Jonggrang asked the villagers to pound rice and make a big fire that created an atmosphere like the morning. Bondowoso who only completed 999 statues cursed Jonggrang be a statue of the 1000 because he felt cheated.
Prambanan temple has three main temples in the primary yard, namely Vishnu, Brahma, and Shiva. The three temples are a symbol of Trimurti in Hindu belief. All of them face east. Each main temple has accompanying temple facing to the west, namely Nandini for Shiva, Swan to Brahma, and Garuda for Vishnu. In addition, there are 2 temples wedge, 4 color temples and 4 corner temples. In the second there are 224 temples.
Entering the Shiva temple located in the middle and the highest building, you will find a room 4. One main room contains a statue of Shiva, while the other 3 rooms each containing a statue of Durga (Shiva's wife), Agastya (Shiva's teacher), and Ganesha (Shiva's son). Durga is touted as the statue of Roro Jonggrang described in the legend above.
In the Vishnu temple is located in the north of Shiva temple, you will only see one room containing a statue of Vishnu. Brahma temple is located south of Shiva temple, you will only find one room with a statue of Brahma.
Quite attractive accompanying temple is Garuda temple that is located near the Vishnu temple. This temple keeps a story of half-bird human being named Garuda. Garuda is a mystical bird in Hindu mythology, who was gold, white face, red wings, beak and wings like eagles. It is estimated, the figure is Hindu adaptation of Bennu (means 'rises' or 'shining', usually associated with the god Re) in ancient Egyptian mythology or Phoenix in Old Greek mythology. Garuda succeeded in saving his mother from the curse of Aruna (Garuda is born handicapped brother) by stealing Tirta Amrita (holy water of the gods).
The ability to save that which was admired by many people until now and used for various purposes. Indonesia used it to sign the country. That said, the creator of the emblem of Garuda Pancasila find inspiration in this temple. Other countries also use it to sign the country is Thailand, with the same reason but the adaptation of different shape and appearance. In Thailand, Garuda is known or Krut Pha Krut.
Prambanan also has panels of relief describing the story of Ramayana. According to experts, the relief is similar to the Ramayana story is revealed through oral traditions. Another interesting relief is Kalpataru tree that the Hindu religion is considered as a tree of life, sustainability and environmental compatibility. In Prambanan, relief of Kalpataru tree is described middle flanking a lion. The existence of this tree makes experts consider that the people of the 9th century had wisdom to manage its environment.
Just as the figure of Garuda, Kalpataru is now also used for various purposes. In Indonesia, Kalpataru became a symbol of Forum for Environment (WALHI). In fact, some scientists in Bali to develop the concept of Tri Hita Karana for environment conservation by seeing Kalpataru relief in this temple. The tree of life can also be found on the mountains that used to open the puppet arts. A proof that the relief panels in Prambanan has worldwide.
If careful, you can also see various birds relief, this time a real bird. Bird reliefs at Prambanan are so natural that biologists can identify their genus. One was relief of the Yellow-crested Cockatoo (Cacatua sulphurea) that invite questions. Why, the bird was actually found only in Masakambing Island, an island in the Java Sea. Then, whether the type that were once numerous in Yogyakarta? The answer please find out for yourself. Because, until now no one who can solve the mystery.

siger towers at the gates of the island of sumatra

What do you think of when they hear the word mentioned Lampung? Most would probably answer and Way Kambas elephant. Others may respond that province will also host the famous Krakatau volcano. But Lampung was not only famous tourist destination with two objects that just because there's something else from this province is the beautiful Tower Siger.
Perhaps no one has heard about Siger Tower located in Lampung, but in fact typical of the local landscape had already begun to attract much attention of domestic and foreign tourists.
When you see the shape of this tower, you will feel the form of the building is very unique and unusual encounter. The reason Siger Tower which was inaugurated on May 1, 2008 by the Governor of Lampung Sjachroedin ZP was built following the traditional bride crown shape typical of Lampung.
Siger tower will be managed by the governing body of the tower siger and routine featuring various types of activities and art performances. On Friday for example Istoqosah held by scholars, while at the art show Saturday night which attracted the attention of the Javanese, Batak, Lampung, Sundanese and Banten.
Building the tower was designed by renowned architect Ir. Ansori Djausal in 2005 on the hill in Bakauheni. Joint Government of Lampung Province he discussed and dropped the option to build a landscape is thick with typical Lampung, namely crown Siger.
"The tower is very complex and not easy when you first set up at first. But after the tower was completed and inaugurated two years ago, we are optimistic that this tower will be an attraction for tourists to come to Lampung, "he said when met at the Tower matanews.com Siger, Lampung on weekends.
Ansori said that the government of Lampung put great hopes on this tower so that it will continue to be developed by considering several aspects that are important to tourists who come to visit. Ansori optimistic the next few years Siger Tower will be an international-class tourist attraction which can suck visitors.

waterfall park

waterfall Grojogan Sewu
The atmosphere is fresh and cool things that you will feel when near waterfalls. What if there is a waterfall that is not only one? Of course will add freshness. That's what you'll feel when in a waterfall Grojogan Sewu, Karanganyar, Central Java. Tourist attractions which is a tourism forest with waterfalls and several other facilities offered by the management you can make one of your destinations.

To enter this tourist area, you must pay the entrance fee of Rp 6.000, -. Counters entrance there are 2 pieces. The first was located on top, while down the road to the first window, you can look around ornamental plants that are sold on the street. You can also ride horses to get to the counter if you're lazy to walk. You will also be a little surprised when there are monkeys on the side of the road. While the second door is located on the slope below.
When you enter through the first door on the top, you'll need down the stairs a neat and floored with stone for the waterfall. Stairs by the hundreds, maybe can make your legs feel sore. To overcome this problem, the manager provides a gazebo at some point, so you can take a break. In this region, there are long-tailed monkeys that live freely, so do not be surprised if you'll see him in transit. The amount is quite a lot, but you do not need to fear because the monkeys here are generally not going to bother. Forest Grojogan Sewu
Grojogan Sewu itself means a thousand waterfalls. Indeed, waterfalls here are not numbered a thousand, but there are some points waterfall that you can enjoy here. The highest waterfall is about 80 meters high. There is also a waterfall that is not too high but the shower spread and establish branches. When is the rainy season, around the waterfall cliff will be caught, but during the summer, many waterfalls are dry. Pegunjung who want to approach the waterfall, have to be careful because they have to pass through large rocks slippery.
Once satisfied aitr enjoy waterfalls, you can get around to enjoy the cool forests of this tour. With an area of 20 hectares, this area provides a swimming pool for children and adults. There are also stalls that sell food at affordable prices. Other side is a forest of pine and other trees for hundreds of years old. Neat paths and rocky terrain can make you more and enjoy the beautiful scenery that is presented.

Sabtu, 22 Januari 2011

Recipe otak otak mackerel Fish

otak otak is one food that I like besides Siomay, Meatball Beef, Pempek, and Chicken Noodle. Beef meatballs are also not eaten for a long time horror also with various issues such as the Rat Meatball, Meatball Pig, etc.. Though I dislike beef meatballs. So if there resepnye, so better make your own heart more peaceful.
Here is a recipe how to make fish-otak otak Tenggiri from Our Kitchen, Ingredients:

* 250 grams of mackerel fish meat
* 1 egg white
* 2 tablespoons flour Kanji
* Pepper and salt to taste
* 6 red onions that have been crushed
* 2 scallions chopped fine
* Banana leaves for wrapping and biting
Fish meat pounded until legit. Season pepper, salt, and egg white, smooth. Add flour and scallions. Coconut milk until the season is a pulp marrow. If less weak, add coconut milk to taste.
Take a banana leaf, cut square. Place 1 tablespoon batter, roll, and close both ends with a biting. If all is wrapped, grilled over charcoal fire while inverted until cooked. otak otak may also be steamed first, then baked until fragrant smell. Usually served with peanut sauce Vinegar sauce

* 3 eggs fried and crushed pecan
* 6 cloves garlic
* 2 red chilies
* 2 chili pepper
* Sugar, salt, and vinegar to taste
How to make:
All materials are crushed, season with vinegar and a little boiled water, smooth. This seasoning liquid, feels hot, strange, sweet, and sour.
Below is a prescription alternative to brain-brain Cuisine:
otak otak mackerel fish

* 250 g of mackerel meat / snapper, puree
* 100 g tapioca flour
* 100 cc coconut milk from half coconut btr
* 1 egg white
* 10 stalk leaves of chives, thinly sliced
* 1 / 2 teaspoon salt
* 1 / 2 teaspoon pepper
* 1 tsp sugar
* Banana leaves to wrap
Mix the fish meat, tapioca flour, salt,
sugar, pepper, sugar and coconut milk together and stir well.
Add egg white and the leaves of chives and stir well.
Take 1-2 tablespoons batter, roll with
banana leaf, pin ujung2nya,
roasted over the coals of fire / in the oven
to fire up until cooked.
Serve with peanut sauce.
Peanut sauce:
50 g roasted hazelnut puree,
25 grams of roasted peanuts, 2 pieces
red pepper, and cayenne pepper 5 pieces,
mixed with 100 cc of boiled water, salt,
sugar, and vinegar according to taste

Pangandaran Beach

Tourist attraction that is the belle of the beach in West Java is located in the village of Pangandaran Pananjung District with a distance of ± 92 km south of the city Ciamis, has various features such as: • Able to see the sunrise and sunsets from the same place • sloping beach with clear water and the distance between the ups and downs are relatively long to allow us to swim safely • There is a beach with white sand • There are rescue teams coastal tourism • The road is paved smooth environment with adequate street lighting • There is a marine park with fish and marine life is fascinating.
With the faktok-factor supporting you, then the tourists who arrived in Pangandaran can perform a wide range of activities: swimming, yachting, fishing, traveling by bicycle, the sailing, jet skiing and others. The traditional event contained here is the intent of the Sea, the ceremony performed in Pangandaran fishermen as the embodiment of their gratitude to the Almighty God's mercy in a way melarung offerings to the sea. This event is usually held on every Muharram, with the East Coast took place in Pangandaran.
International tourism event ever held here was the International Kite Festival (Pangandaran International Kite Festival) with a variety of supporting activities which we can see in every month of June or July.
Facilities available: 1. Field ample parking, 2. Hotel, restaurant, inn, tourist cabin at the rate varies, 3. Postal services, telecommunications and money changer, 4. Cinemas, discotheques 5. Guides and Tourism Information Center, 6. Campground, 7. Bicycles and tire rental pool, 8. Parasailing and jetski.
Pangandaran TOUR TICKETS SIGN IN OBJECT a. Pedestrian 1 (one) person Rp. 2500, - b. Motorcycles Rp. 5900, - c. Jeep Type Vehicle / Sedan Rp. 14 200, - d. Vehicle Type Carry Rp. 27 200, - e. Large Passenger Vehicle Rp. 40 200, - f. Small BUS Rp. 52 700, - g. BUS Medium Rp. 79 500, - h. Large BUS Rp.130.500, -