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Minggu, 23 Januari 2011

siger towers at the gates of the island of sumatra

What do you think of when they hear the word mentioned Lampung? Most would probably answer and Way Kambas elephant. Others may respond that province will also host the famous Krakatau volcano. But Lampung was not only famous tourist destination with two objects that just because there's something else from this province is the beautiful Tower Siger.
Perhaps no one has heard about Siger Tower located in Lampung, but in fact typical of the local landscape had already begun to attract much attention of domestic and foreign tourists.
When you see the shape of this tower, you will feel the form of the building is very unique and unusual encounter. The reason Siger Tower which was inaugurated on May 1, 2008 by the Governor of Lampung Sjachroedin ZP was built following the traditional bride crown shape typical of Lampung.
Siger tower will be managed by the governing body of the tower siger and routine featuring various types of activities and art performances. On Friday for example Istoqosah held by scholars, while at the art show Saturday night which attracted the attention of the Javanese, Batak, Lampung, Sundanese and Banten.
Building the tower was designed by renowned architect Ir. Ansori Djausal in 2005 on the hill in Bakauheni. Joint Government of Lampung Province he discussed and dropped the option to build a landscape is thick with typical Lampung, namely crown Siger.
"The tower is very complex and not easy when you first set up at first. But after the tower was completed and inaugurated two years ago, we are optimistic that this tower will be an attraction for tourists to come to Lampung, "he said when met at the Tower matanews.com Siger, Lampung on weekends.
Ansori said that the government of Lampung put great hopes on this tower so that it will continue to be developed by considering several aspects that are important to tourists who come to visit. Ansori optimistic the next few years Siger Tower will be an international-class tourist attraction which can suck visitors.

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